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Monday, December 19, 2016

A Viewer Writes: The DNC did it all

Just for arguments sake, lets say the Russians did hack into the DNC and leak their documents. The Russians didn't write the documents, they didn't cheat Bernie Sanders, The DNC did it all. The fact that the documents went public doesn't change the corruption of the Democratic party. Blaming the Russians or anyone else is just smoke and mirrors to distract people from the real truth of the Democratic party's criminal and corrupt activities.


  1. The Dems shot themselves in the foot. They loaded the gun, aimed it and pulled the trigger. Thankfully, there were witnesses.

  2. And who shot Seth Rich? Russians did that too?

  3. Blaming the Russians for Clinton's defeat is silly, hacking by a foreign government is serious business though.

  4. is it just me, or are they just plain ignoring KILLARY's illegal, unsecure email server dishing up top secret info?

  5. I'm amazed at how quickly this narrative came about. The MSM talkshow hosts and liberal guests seem like experts on this topic already, POTUS and Josh Ernest act like we are all traitors if we don't pursue it, and RINO's like Graham and McCain seem like they want a recount. They all want Trump-who is not yet president- to tweet acknowledging/condemning the hack -WHILE THE MSM AND LIBERAL LEFT IS USING IT AS AN EXCUSE FOR THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE TO CHANGE THE ELECTION! Seriously?!?!? Who would give the enemy ammo and a how-to guide to kill you? And if the Russian government was so active hacking us, WHY DIDN'T OBAMA tweet or sound the alarm, since he is/was the POTUS?
    Today will be the second best day in recent US history. The first, Nov. 9; today, the second, and; Jan 20' the third.
    Let's all help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

  6. Its Monday before XMas 2016 and this is still news worthy? Didn't Trump incorrectly pronounce a word? Didn't Trump incorrectly sneeze, breathe, use the wrong spoon - heaven forbid he DIDN'T use the salad fork first....

    Come On MSM - news worthy NOT ambulance chasing!! Here's something news worthy for ALL of us - 4 days until TGIF!!!!!!!!

  7. But it is okay that Hillary's e-mails were out there for any country to take and use against us?


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