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Thursday, December 08, 2016

65 Million Americans Should Threaten to Not Pay Taxes

Until democracy is restored

The approximately 65 million Democrats who voted for Hillary Clinton should pledge that in the future if a Republican wins the presidency with fewer votes than a Democrat for the third time in our era, we won’t pay taxes to the federal government. No taxation without representation!

Twice in the past 16 years, a Republican candidate who finished second in the popular vote has won the presidency. This year, Donald Trump won the electoral vote with about 46% of the popular vote, while Hillary Clinton received about 48%. If the parties stay this evenly divided, another electoral mishap is more likely than not in the next 20 years.



  1. Maybe all of these babies should quit their crying and go back to school to learn the history that really happened in stead of what the liberals want you to know about the constitution and the electoral college and the reasons behind it.

  2. I love how TIME MAGAZINE does not allow comments. God forbid they let people voice a differing opinion. Its pretty typical of the left to avoid anything that does not support their ideas.

    The rules are known and have been in place for over 200 years. Dont cry sour grapes. Instead do a better job of getting people to engage in the election process.

  3. This why they need to keep people divided, So they will never come together to stand up against the government.

  4. Good luck TIME with that idea!

  5. There are supposedly 65 million unemployed Americans and Hillary Clinton gets 65 million votes that's pretty ironic...

  6. The Dems want the popular vote only because they except illegal votes and promote it. It is only wanted when they loose an election.

  7. Is it just me or you not understanding what is happening. They keep giving out more Poplar Vote figures on Hillary Clinton but NONE on Donald Trump. How is that??? Is someone in a closet filling out blank ballots. Jill Stein was talking about blank ballots. Does this fool realize that some people did not vote for President but did their districts. Something is just fishy about all these extra votes Hillary is getting and Trump is not getting any.

  8. Look at the number of counties that Trump won compared to Clinton. The fact is that if we eliminate the Electoral College, California, New York, and Florida will control all the voting. And, we all know how California and New York are so screwed up.

  9. Ypu cannot win the amount of electoral votes Trump did without winning the popular vote as well, It's a mathematical impossibility unless you have fraud.

    1. It has happened before in other elections. As recently as 2000 with Bush/Gore. No one was crying then except of course Gore! As usual it was the democrat crying! Get over yourself 11:14 Hilary lost!!

  10. Most of the Democrats are receiving money from the Republican tax payers. The republicans should stop paying taxes until they go to work and pay their share!

  11. This is NOT an electoral mishap. An anomaly, maybe. The Electoral College worked the way it's supposed to, not allowing densely populated areas to dictate the results.

  12. 11:14
    I'm going to guess that math was not your strongest subject in grade school


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