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Sunday, December 18, 2016

16 Reasons Why You Should Never, Ever Move To Maryland

Maryland is a one-of-a-kind state and its residents are just as unique. There are some things that only Marylanders understand, and things that out-of-staters will never be able to wrap their heads around. Here are 16 cheeky reasons why you should never, ever move to Maryland. It’s awful. 

1. You'll get crabs.
2. They'll even start infesting your car windows.


  1. I wish I had never ever moved to Maryland. The Eastern Shore is the worst.

    1. To each his own, I guess.
      Possibly due to my growing up and working my entire adult life in downtown Baltimore - then retiring in Ocean City - I find the Eastern Shore to be pretty damn nearly a paradise.

    2. 11:28. Damn what a sheltered life you must live if you think WHITE TRASH AMERICA aka Ocean City is paradise. I hope you're joking. 😭😭😭

    3. "White Trash America"?
      I have to ask: At which elitist Garden of Eden resort do you vacation?

    4. 12:00 PM-
      I guess you're right. What the hell was I thinking?
      I spend my retirement in this hell-hole of Ocean City relaxing on the beach; fishing the bay or the ocean; going to a choice of dozens of good restaurants; taking the grandkids to Assateague; going to the Boardwalk arcades with the kids (and feeling like one myself again); going to free summer outdoor concerts; Participating and volunteering in (too many) charities.
      But mostly enjoying the insanity of the summer, remembering when I was in the middle of it - not as white trash - I was a dirty hippy. And then totally enjoying the peace, the quiet, the security, of the off season in Ocean City.
      What WAS I thinking? What a hell hole.

    5. 1:04. A place where the water is clear and the sand is white. Nowhere around here. 🏖🙄😘👏🏻👏🏻

    6. 1:16 Coming from someone who has lived here my whole 60+ years, I can completely understand someone calling OC, White Trash America. If you're there in the summer those words pretty much sum up the whole place. It used to be a nice place to go but those days are sadly gone.

  2. 9:52 Then get back in your Prius and go back where you came from! Nobody is stopping you. Just like, we didn't stop you from voting for Hillary!!

    1. 10:55 I don't drive a Prius. 🙄🙄. Try to think of a better insult. 😚

  3. Hey 9:52, trust me, we Eastern Shore people wish you had never moved here either. It's the come-heres that ruin the place for the rest of us. Baltimore is Maryland's sewer.

  4. 9:52 To show you how kind the People are on the Eastern Shore we will be willing to help you pack up so you can move back to where you came from.

    1. 11:13. Post your number and when I get ready to move this summer I'll call you sweetie. 😘😘

  5. 10:55 11:14. You Eastern Shore idiots know it's the truth. You just hate it when somebody tells it like it is. The Eastern Shore IS the ARMPIT of America and nobody ruined it by moving here, it's always been awful. 😚👏🏻👏🏻

  6. Another good reason is you may get robbed or shot because Maryland will not allow carry permits.

  7. Make room for 9:52 on TRUMP AIRLINES to Canada!!!! These are the reasons the rest of us love MARYLAND and the DELMARVELOS Eastern Shore......the rest of you "snowflakes" get the heck out.

  8. I see you Eastern Shore natives have your panties in a bunch again. It's ok for all of you to talk trash about this place but when someone's not from here and tells it like it is you get all Pissy. You can't have it both ways.

  9. They give permits out like candy in FL and people get robbed, shot and killed daily. Just sayin'. Have to agree that the eastern shore has taken a sad turn for the worse since the 70s.

    1. Not eastern shore: society has taken the turn.

    2. 12:21. You won't convince these idiots of that.

  10. Born and raised in the shore and have to say that the cost of living vs average pay and quality of life kind of sucks. There is nothing really to do and no solid entertainment venues. I've often called OC white trash Disneyland and feel that for the money a family spends in OC they could go somewhere better. People also can't really drive well (e.g. no turn signals, driving under the speed limit, not properly using merging lanes, failing to yield). @11:40 stop spreading false info, you can carry a handgun if you have a handgun wear and carry permit; go to mdsp.maryland.gov for more details.

  11. #1 The Government sucks !!!

  12. Don't move to Md Eastern Shore (Delmarva)
    Nothing here for any good jobs > a Poor area
    It is a Dump for Prisons and chicken houses

    Unless you like a Hard way of life > stay in the city !!

    F A C T Take it from one who knows > age 60 I know

  13. Growing up here during the Sixty's and Seventies was great, but since then, this is no longer the land of pleasant living. The taxes are high, the wages are low and jobs are non existent. The Eastern shore is an access freeway for people from the Washington/Baltimore corridor to get to Ocean City and the Delaware beaches. I have ten more years of work and then I plan to retire to North Carolina, with my friends, who have already left the shore, for more opportunity, lower taxes, and much friendlier people. My ancestors have been here since this was a British Colony. Can't wait to leave. I have updated my home to be sold. Plan to do this as soon as possible.

    1. 3:12 I'm glad somebody born and raised here knows what it is like to move here. Good luck to you in the future.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:55 11:14. You Eastern Shore idiots know it's the truth. You just hate it when somebody tells it like it is. The Eastern Shore IS the ARMPIT of America and nobody ruined it by moving here, it's always been awful. 😚👏🏻👏🏻

    December 15, 2016 at 11:34 AM

    even if that bs crap you spew were true, are you still here? if you're miserable, go away. it's that simple, simple.

  15. 1:04 We don't go to resorts and don't get a week or two of vacation. We have two other homes that we spend time our leisure time in depending on the climate/time of year. One is a waterfront home in FL and the other is a beachfront home in Belize. OC is not even on the list of places we would ever go.

    1. Congratulations on your obvious success. I'm figuring you made the "white trash America" statement, and it sounds very much that you must live in a gated community.
      By the way: Here is a statement from 2016 about where you prefer to vacation, relax, buy a beachfront home, or whatever you do:
      "Belize has the world's third highest murder rate, with 44.7 murders per 100,000 of the population, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Only Honduras and Venezuela are worse."
      Yeah, I'd take that wonderful place over the hell hole of Ocean City.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Born and raised in the shore and have to say that the cost of living vs average pay and quality of life kind of sucks. There is nothing really to do and no solid entertainment venues. I've often called OC white trash Disneyland and feel that for the money a family spends in OC they could go somewhere better. People also can't really drive well (e.g. no turn signals, driving under the speed limit, not properly using merging lanes, failing to yield). @11:40 stop spreading false info, you can carry a handgun if you have a handgun wear and carry permit; go to mdsp.maryland.gov for more details.

    December 15, 2016 at 12:44 PM

    pretty much agree except driving the speed LIMIT. no one is required to drive a certain speed, other than not impeding the flow of traffic. a speed limit is the amount one can LEGALLY drive. anyone can drive under the limit with no consequences unless it is creating a hazard and more then 10mph below limit.

  17. F A C T Take it from one who knows > age 60 I know

    December 15, 2016 at 1:23 PM

    no sir, it is an opinion. there is a general lack of good paying jobs for UNSKILLED labor or non-professionals. which we have a high population of in this area. chicken houses have been here forever and is one of the main economic sources of revenue.

    I have yet to see a checkpoint or locked gate at either of the borders here.

    1. 4:09. I'm pretty sure he nailed it in the head. This place is a cess pool.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:21. You won't convince these idiots of that.

    December 15, 2016 at 2:01 PM

    we know what the area has become. the prison has added to the demise when those released do not return to whence they came. OC is a blessing and a curse. most locals don't go there until after tourist season. I live 30 miles away and rarely go there. it may have been a "family" resort in the 50's but it certainly is not now.

    I have moved away several times to different areas of this country in my life but always returned. I've been to the big cities, the suburbs, whatever. Every place has good and bad points. Mostly it's what you choose to make it while you are there.

    If anyone does not like the people they are around or the area in which they live, it is up to them to make whatever change is needed to better their circumstances. You can't expect others to do it for you.

    So yeah, either move or keep complaining about YOUR choice.

    1. 2:01. I plan on moving as soon as my daughter graduates and you IDIOTS can have this ARMPIT.

    2. I am right there with you. Thank GOD my son is a senior!! Adios scumbury

  19. 4:18 Well said. I was in the military and lived in 8 different places all over the country. Spent my early life on the shore until I joined the military. Have lived in large cities and small towns. Pretty much every where I have lived had both good and bad points and was as good as I tried to make it. I will say though that in the last 20 years the cost of living on the shore has risen much faster then the available jobs for the majority of the residents and OC has lost a lot of its charm over the last 20 years.

  20. The haters of Ocean City on this blog have pretty much two main opinions that keep popping up.
    1. It's too expensive.
    2. Full of white trash.
    I guess that white trash group is making some good money to be able to afford a few days at the beach.

    1. 5:28. It's funny that you think it costs a lot of money to vacation in OC. 😏

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:01. I plan on moving as soon as my daughter graduates and you IDIOTS can have this ARMPIT.

    December 15, 2016 at 5:03 PM

    Why wait? You want your daughter edumacated in this armpit?

    1. 7:50. Fortunately for her most of her education didn't come from here. 🙄

    2. 7:50. Looks like your comment proved her/his point.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The haters of Ocean City on this blog have pretty much two main opinions that keep popping up.
    1. It's too expensive.
    2. Full of white trash.
    I guess that white trash group is making some good money to be able to afford a few days at the beach.

    December 15, 2016 at 5:28 PM

    Ever thought it keeps popping up because it's true?

    Making good money doesn't mean you're a good person. Plenty of 'holes have plenty of money.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:50. Fortunately for her most of her education didn't come from here. 🙄

    December 15, 2016 at 8:45 PM

    I guess that means she is smarter than you since you moved here?

  24. 9:20. You think we moved here so she could go to SU. 😭😭😭 What a joke. We moved here to help a sick family member, who has since passed away. My daughter will be graduating High School this summer and she even has the good sense to know not to go to college here. 👏🏻👏🏻

  25. Great Place for all those from NJ and Penn
    who already have money, to come here and retire....

    Not great if you still have to work for a living Fact

    It is a Depressed area and has not got any better in my
    lifetime of 60 years here ....and i know .......

    Good place to play and spend $$$ but not to make $$$ !!

    Hard labor service jobs , prisons and jails ,chickens !!!

  26. FYI,the absence of college level jobs in our area is purely intentional,but very few realize that.Almost every company is just clinging to life,and the last thing they need is to pay a college salary when they don't absolutely need to.That officially makes our area a better place to retire than to begin a career.Unless college grads get a government job they are worrisome always asking for raises.

  27. Fact is > sure it's a pretty area
    But > no mattter were you live ie Hawaii /Tahiti / Fiji

    You will need $$$$$ and hopefully a good way to make it

    Fact here (Sad) Delmarva is a POOR area / Bad Jobs

    For those who have to work and did not get a silver spoon
    in their mouth .....Life here will be HARD ....then you Die

    Life is Short , so do yourself a favor MOVE elswhere !!!

  28. After High School (sadly) Most Have to Leave !!!

    It is, what it is ....Delmarva !!

  29. It's great for Doctors and Dentist and the like

    They know all the aging retirees are moving here , who
    have $$$ from were they came from , and have insurance

    If you not in the medical field , you in trouble here !!

  30. a Big College here > with No where here to work after
    one gets their big degree @ $100,000 or more

    All to get a job at $14.00 an hr max here !!!

    Hell , Most with NO degree do better than those with one

    It's called a Working Man's PHD !!!

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:55 11:14. You Eastern Shore idiots know it's the truth. You just hate it when somebody tells it like it is. The Eastern Shore IS the ARMPIT of America and nobody ruined it by moving here, it's always been awful. 😚👏🏻👏🏻

    December 15, 2016 at 11:34 AM

    Then WHY do people continue to move here? I think people like you know the truth. You move here because it is much better than where you come from. You are not fully accepted here. You hate to make things worse and go back to the hell you moved here to escape from in the first place. You continually put the people and the way of life here down. Heaping insults, ridicule, put-downs, all kinds of vile crap on the people you admired so much and wanted to live near, instead of all the hustlers, callousness, dog-eat-dog people who stab you in the back, etc.

    If what you people say was true, why would you continue to subject yourselves to such torment? Low self-esteem? A fetish for pain?


    You came here. And you stayed. Stop the nonsense. For all of our undereducated, low class, unsophisticated, backward way of living, you just can't face the fact that this is the best place you have ever lived, and you resent it.

    You think all of this is "wasted" on such inbred hillbillies. You are much more worthy and try your damnest to get US to get out of Dodge so you can have it for yourselves.

    Not happening. Shut up and try to get along or go back to where it is "oh so much better than here".


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