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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Your Prayers Have Been Answered


I have seen comments from a number of your readers who said they were fervently praying for this election, that God would allow Donald Trump and Mike Pence to win.

I also hope they will win, but I know that God has this election in His hands.. He will determine the outcome, not us.

I strongly believe this (and I'm confident many readers will agree):
this election outcome will determine the fate of America as a country, and Americans as a people.

We have been murdering babies by the millions for decades, we have promoted homosexuality and sexual perversion as 'alternative lifestyles' and declared them normal, flaunting it before God by waving 'rainbows' in His face, and we've allowed the systematic persecution of those who would speak out against these and other evils of our society.

I truly believe that a Clinton win signals God's judgement on America.

A Trump win will be God giving us ONE LAST CHANCE to repent.

Either way, the end is at hand. The Bible describes the last days in
detail (especially in Matthew 24), and we are in them now, moving at breakneck speed toward Armageddon.

If God is merciful to us and gives us that last chance to repent, I pray
that we will be wise enough to accept it..


  1. You are absolutely correct.

  2. Well stated....praise our Lord for having Mercy on us....Trump's win signaled the battle for the 2nd American Revolution.

  3. It's Morning in America.... God bless

  4. Honestly I do not like it when bible worshipers like you believe that "God" had something to do with the outcome of the election...Armageddon and Revolution really???...go sell your crazy somewhere else.

  5. @1:38, how else do you explain a miracle? The corrupt government tried to rig this election and it DIDN'T WORK! They were dumbfounded!

  6. I disagree.
    There is no evidence for the idea that the Father interferes in history. His Son revealed himself in history, but promised one day to return. Until that day, I believe our Father continues to provide us with free will.

    We humans are allowed to mess it up as much as we choose.

  7. You all certainly acted like a bunch of fools to now say that God had it in his hands.Did God tell you to raise a daily ruckus? Had Trump not won none of you would have considered it Gods will.But now all of you are died in the wool Christians now that you got your way.I got my way too,but I trusted God from the beginning.

  8. Well, 1:38.. sorry to hear you don't like it.
    But truth never changes, no matter who believes it or who doesn't.
    We will see soon enough who is 'crazy'.

  9. @1:38 Salty much??

  10. 1:38 REAL TRUE Christians KNOW and BELIEVE God has His Holy hands on everything! It's called faith and if you don't have that you don't have religion. You are just talking the talk but not walking the walk.

  11. Divine intervention!

  12. 1:38, I don't know if what you mean by "Revolution" is the book of Revelation written of John's visions while on the island of Patmos, but it's apparent you're not familiar with what's actually in the Bible. I challenge you to do what some unbelieving scholars, scientists, lawyers, etc., have done in the past and read and study the Holy Scriptures and the evidence to back them. A good study bible with archeological evidence recorded in it would be helpful. Then try to disprove it. Many have attempted to do so for centuries but cannot. Because we cannot deny or change the truth. Even Darwin believed in God.

  13. I don't mind admitting I had been praying for this election process to be done honestly, fairly, accurately, and peacefully. I realized in my years, that we may not have a country to cling to if our Constitution isn't protected. I feel like my prayer was answered. I look forward to our new future TOGETHER, and I respectfully hope others are willing to put the past where it belongs and work towards a prosperous, and hopeful future.

  14. Cruz and Carson were divinely appointed by God to be President also, who do we believe....

  15. "Cruz and Carson were divinely appointed by God to be President also, who do we believe..."

    Neither Cruz nor Carson were divinely appointed to be President, or else one of them would be.

    They may have felt led by God to run. That is something different. God may have some purpose to achieve through it.. we just obey and leave the rest to Him.

    "There is no evidence for the idea that the Father interferes in history.."
    Actually, there's tons of evidence. Start with much of the old testament..

  16. He gave us the rules. All we need do is follow them.


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