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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Yee Haw


  1. Nicest people you would ever want to meet!
    I vacation there every summer and fall. Most of them are very intelligent, hard working and god fearing people. I would have them as friends any day over and arrogant snob from New England!

    1. I agree also. I would move there if I had the funds. I went to Mann WV for my 16th birthday (I'm 25 now) to ride four wheelers. Those folks were so nice and friendly . My kind of people.

  2. You know they make limo golf carts also.

  3. I agree 7:56! I haven't been to WV in awhile but someone who lives there told me the Trump signs were everywhere. The residents have never seen anything like it before. The thing is that is a state that has been economically devastated by democrat policies. They are people who want to work and would be working if jobs were available. They aren't your inner city useless lazy sponges who have their hands out wanting everything for free.

  4. Looks more like Salisbury.

  5. Is Billy Bob in the trailer telling us his age or his IQ?

  6. November 1, 2016 at 1:29 PM:

    No, that's his SAT test score.


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