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Tuesday, November 08, 2016

WIKILEAKS: Campaign Manager Says 'Clinton Had Little Consideration For Ethics'

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has “little consideration for ethics,” according to Robby Mook, her campaign manager.

Mook’s comment was included in a devastating list he compiled of problems associated with Clinton’s decision to appoint a longtime friend to her campaign after he helped her raise $72 million for the U.S. Expo at the 2010 Shanghai World’s Fair.

The comment — “When soliciting contributions, Clinton had little consideration for ethics” — appeared in an attachment to a March 11, 2015, email made public Sunday by WikiLeaks in its latest release of materials hacked from Clinton national campaign chairman John Podesta’s Gmail account.

Mook questioned the appointment of Jose Villarreal as an officer in the campaign, telling Podesta that he “found a potential flag about Jose Villarreal” and that “it looks like he’s snared up in the conflict of interest stuff at State” and “there’s a real argument here that he was at the nexus of foundation/state issues.”



  1. She has no ethics , period.

  2. This is an internal confirmation of what we already knew. It's obvious that Hillary skipped those classes in law school. Maybe those were the questions she answered incorrectly when she failed the DC bar exam. They perhaps were not so rigorous when she took the exam again in Arkansas.

  3. Would someone PLEASE have these casino operators contact the Delaware Government. They (DE) have been asking every year for the taxpayers to subsidize DE casino operators thru special tax breaks.


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