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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What's Happening 11-30-16

Tell us what's happening!! The good the bad and the ugly!


  1. Like the country's problems are not enough stress. My own family can't even get along with each other. I'm am so sick of people who are judgmental of others people's lives, yet they would not tolerate anyone questioning their own life decisions. GEEZ!!!!!!

  2. Other than the robbery downtown Monday night?

  3. Loving the weather temps today but kinda glad its over cast because I am working LOL

  4. I'm thinking some night fishing.

  5. The good "Ted Nugent"
    the bad "Hillary Clinton"
    the ugly "Hillary Clinton"

    Life is now good!

  6. 2:12 PM I can understand your frustration. But in the larger scope of things, family, good,bad, pretty, and the ugly are all we have as we all journey through life. It's family that always no matter what, has your back, always. While they might not be as tactful as we may like them to be, you know deep down you can depend on them to come through for you even if you haven't been good to them. I'm not saying you haven't been good or bad to your family for I don't know you, I'm just commenting family doesn't have to "stand on ceremony" for each other, in short, you are accepted where and how you are. Take care, the holidays are rough on everyone!

  7. Lots of vehicles getting broken into. Food lion on rt. 349 this morning a truck was broken into.

  8. People say "Prayer works". OK....then lets test it. Lord God, please be with us as a nation and help our new President elect get the job done and turn this country around. And all his people say "Amen"

  9. 1:37
    The Bible say you do not test God.

  10. 1:55 Bless your heart. Praying for good is not testing God. It is prayer.

  11. 2:51. Bless your heart. If your praying for the Donald you really do need Jesus.

  12. 2:51. You're not Southern HUSH YOUR MOUTH!!!


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