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Monday, November 21, 2016



  1. Obama AND the media.

  2. If social media is included, I agree. And both ways. It's appalling to read the comments section. Depending on the topic you have liberals calling the right "racist" or you'll have actual racists writing something hateful. Very difficult to have a conversation when neither side listens and quickly resorts to name calling.

  3. Obama started and his minions carried out their orders dutifully. The perfect storm to take our country to the brink of the 60s again!!!!

  4. Obama needs to be Arrested for Inciting racial riots.

  5. Started with Obama.

  6. It has been obvious for at least 3 years that whoever it is you think is pulling the media's strings, has been trying to ferment a race war. All you have to do is look at the owners of the major media outlets to know who they are.

    Obama's total lack of leadership on this issue is a glaring spotlight on his own bias. Instead leadership and calm, we get comments like, "If I had a son, my son would look like that dead thug."

    It is a tribute to good people everywhere that we haven't had more racial incidents than we have.

  7. Obama and the Media...

  8. Come on folks.
    Obama works for the people who own the media.
    Wake up.

    Like always, the richest people on earth are evil.
    They use their wealth to control people and resources.
    They OWN this government. They created a secret government years ago so it no longer matters WHO is POTUS? The Kennedy family lost 2 sons trying to "do the right thing".

    Run from this government as fast as you can.


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