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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

We Are Being Set Up For Higher Interest Rates, A Major Recession And A Giant Stock Market Crash

Global bond investors have seen trillions of dollars of wealth wiped out since November 8th, and analysts are warning of another tough week ahead.

Since Donald Trump’s victory on election night we have seen the worst bond crash in 15 years.

Global bond investors have seen trillions of dollars of wealth wiped out since November 8th, and analysts are warning of another tough week ahead. The general consensus in the investing community is that a Trump administration will mean much higher inflation, and as a result investors are already starting to demand higher interest rates. Unfortunately for all of us, history has shown that higher interest rates always cause an economic slowdown. And this makes perfect sense, because economic activity naturally slows down when it becomes more expensive to borrow money. The Obama administration had already set up the next president for a major recession anyway, but now this bond crash threatens to bring it on sooner rather than later.

For those that are not familiar with the bond market, when yields go up bond prices go down. And when bond prices go down, that is bad news for economic growth.



  1. This is and was a typical marxist way to to gain popularity if they fail. The false economy we have now will fail because we will not print money to gain a false state of wealth. Trump will have his hands full . So be it , Trump rocks
    obama has failed . Back to the drawing board to gain back our Republic.

  2. Obama is in his mode of retaliation , it wouldn't surprise me if he called on his muslim friends to do a terrorist attack so he can call martial law and cancel the president elect . This guy "obama' his a nut job. He has someting up his marxist sleeve .

  3. The sitting president has so much to lose. Can you imagine presiding for eight years having accomplished nothing leaving no legacy except being the first African American to hold that distinguished office and causing the greatest social divide in recent history and an administration fraught with ridicule, bias, and lack of integrity.

  4. The commenters do not seem to understand why the Bond Market is crashing.

    Learn about the illegal and immoral Federal Reserve Bank.

    Start with The Creature from Jekyll Island book by Eustace Mullins.


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