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Monday, November 07, 2016

Want To Know Why Team Trump Has Been So Positive Of Late? Here's Why

Call it, “cautiously optimistic”

Internal polling data is showing a remarkably strong trend in Donald Trump’s favor over the last week. So much so, Team Trump has been quietly coming to terms with the remarkable prospect of this country’s first 3rd Party candidate winning the presidency.

(That’s right, Donald Trump is as much a 3rd Party/Independent candidate as he is a Republican.)

Call it, “cautiously optimistic” which is far better than the mood inside Team Trump just a month earlier when the same internal polling data was showing Hillary Clinton building what many thought might be an insurmountable advantage.

Word is, the Clinton campaign has all but given up on Ohio, and near to doing the same in Florida, with North Carolina looking suspect for Team Clinton as well.


First, the black vote is down considerably over 2012 numbers – numbers many of the Mainstream Media polls have been using as a template for their polling samples. Hillary Clinton was never going to get out the black vote like Barack Obama, and yet the polling firms continued to sample as if she were which resulted in Hillary polling better than she actually is.

Second, the white voter turnout is said to be up – BIG-TIME, and Trump leads among white voters over Hillary – BIG TIME.



  1. Trump landslide victory

  2. Keep praying for Trump and our country! I believe in miracles and He is in control!


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