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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Voting shenanigans in almost all swing states

'Fraud in few key counties could affect presidential race'

With early voting proceeding at a pace the Associated Press calls “far quicker than 2012” – and with more than 12 million voters having already cast ballots – reports of potential voter fraud also appear to be on the rise.

But it may not be the amount of voter fraud that matters. It could be how well-targeted any real fraud is that makes all the difference in who will become the next president.

And, as it happens, voting problems have been reported in almost all of the key swing states.

In fact, most of the problems reported are in swing states.

Sharyl Attkisson, perhaps the nation’s top investigative journalist, told WND, “Some experts tell us it would be possible to commit fraud in relatively few key counties to affect the outcome of the presidential race.”


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