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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Uniquely Talented: Only the Democrats Could Have Lost to Trump

A great uproar goes forth from the enemies of the Trump Beast, with much gnashing of hair and pulling of teeth. He will be a terrible President, they say, and they may well be right. There are ominous signs, particularly as regards foreign policy, and he seems radically incoherent and contradictory. Interestingly, his critics have no slight idea why he won. The reason is obvious: He won because everybody was campaigning for him, in particular the media, Hillary, Black Lives Matter, Obama, Democrats, and far leftists. Everybody worked for Trump. He couldn’t lose.

The election was a referendum on Marie Antoinette’s court. It was the revolt of the unnoticed downtrodden, the financially sinking, the working classes rising against privileged snots–but it was engineered by the elites. The glittering elect of course did not say “working class,” this being a loaded phrase redolent of Marxism and of the Democratic Party of five decades back before it became a royal court. They spoke instead of disgruntled white men, racists, homophobes, sexists, and the Islamonauseated–phobic, I meant.

The rich and powerful are on display in Washington, white, well paid, secure, above average in intelligence, often from Oberlin, Amherst, Swarthmore, Yale. The better sorts of schools, you know. They cluster in Washington’s posh barrios of Bethesda, Upper Connecticut, Cap Hill, and Great Falls. They drink together and talk to each other and believe that they must be right because everyone they know agrees with them.

Theirs is not a personal arrogance–they are nice people and you would like them–but an arrogance of class. Since nobody tells them they they are either arrogant or a class, they do not know. Since everybody around them lives at a high standard, it does not occur to them that they they live at a high standard. They exist in a small mental box.

They do not know that that in the bleak down-scale strip development of Jeff Davis Highway, a half-hour away, reeking of exhaust and blowing with trash, an aged veteran on crutches lives in a dismal residential motel. Every mourning he hobbles to Dixie Lee’s Diner–I forget its actual name–for a cheap breakfast because it is all he has. Or ever will. He is waiting to die. The elite don’t know, and wouldn’t care.



  1. the premise of this article is ridiculous on the face of it. It completely ignores the fact that before Trump Beat the democrats, he also effectively destroyed his republican competition.

    What people are missing here, is that Americans are fed up with the established parties on both sides of the fence. How many calls were there for Boehner to resign when he betrayed his party several times during his tenure as speaker?

    People are very well aware that our government servants are serving themselves and hosing us in the process.

    It's time to drain the swamp and Trump claimed he was the guy to do it. I hope he still is. Apparently he's backing off on his promise to jail the wicked witch of Hope.

  2. 7:16, He's not the President yet! Right now, he's got the same power to "go after" Wildebeest as you or I do.

    Wait until January 21, then see what happens. He will be President Trump then.

  3. Maybe Democrats will do something stupid to anger Trump so he will change his mind to move forward with an investigation into Hillary's crimes.


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