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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Underestimated From The Very Beginning...


  1. It's great to be underestimated by your enemies just prior to battle!

    I say it is wonderful for Nancy to be reelected as minority chair - she's done so well for them recently!

  2. He still hasn't done anything besides put a billionaire banker in charge of commerce. Really draining the swamp there Donald

  3. 100% on that
    Always never let your enemies in on what you do and when you know when they are trying to find out, then you always feed them all the wrong info.
    And remember all the liberal's are always the enemies.
    They call that war.

  4. Understatement of the century.

    I have a feeling we have no clue who is the real Donald.
    But we shall soon find out!

  5. i don't think of the Donald as a troll - whatever that is.

    He is the next POTUS.
    He is also a goofball who says outrageous things seemingly without thinking first?
    Put people in prison for burning the flag?
    The flag represents the freedoms we claim to have from our birth (inalienable rights).


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