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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Uber Could End Business in Maryland

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– A move Wednesday to increase safety for passengers who use popular ridesharing services, like Uber. The state wants all drivers to be fingerprinted as part of their criminal background check but the companies say not so fast.

This really could end up affecting everyday people who rely on uber, because the company says if the state forces them to follow these new guidelines they’re just going to pack up and leave.

Uber is preparing for a battle with Maryland as the state gets ready to force 30,000 of the ride sharing companies drivers to go through more background checks. Which includes getting their fingerprints taken just like taxi drivers.

Experts say that step would weed out anyone who’s lying about who they really are.



  1. I am certain Taxi companies are behind this. I'm sure Uber is a threat to their businesses.

  2. I'm shocked they don't do it!!

  3. And why not, if taxi drivers need to be fingerprinted so do Uber drivers

  4. Why do taxi drivers need to be fingerprinted by the government?

    I wish the gov. would get out of our lives!
    We used to be free.

    1. To at least help avoid the chance somebody's daughter doesn't get in the cab of a convicted violent recidivist perhaps?
      Sorry. Forgot it's all about you.

  5. Salisbury taxis need to be Mechanicaly regulated they are nothing but DEATH TRAPS.

  6. Go for it. Screen out the scammers and we'll all be safer.

  7. Yep Salisbury cabs are death traps.

  8. Gee, thank you, Nanny State, for making decisions for me.

  9. 630
    Agree with you

    We used to be free

  10. When you use Uber, you have a picture of the person, vehicle description and if you are smart, a picture of the license plate all on you phone that for most people automatically uploads to the cloud and is saved. In addition, the uber driver can be tracked by the app. If you have ever used Uber, you would know that you can see them in route to pick you up and follow progress to your destination. I feel much safer in an Uber than a cab.

  11. UBER drivers should be treated like Taxi drivers. UBER is acting like a spoiled brat. if they don't win the case, they are going to take their ball and go home!
    Ridicules. it's a bluff anyway. there's not a snowballs chance in hell they would leave a market like Maryland!

  12. Why wouldn't you want to screen out the bad people BEFORE something happens? There have been rapes, murders, and kidnappings committed all over the country by Uber drivers who were supposedly "background checked" by Uber. It's been in the news. Most (if not all) of this could have been prevented if the background check's had been legitimate. Why is this a "bad" thing?

  13. If someone opened an APP based restaurant, swimming club, or health club would you still want it to be regulated, checked, and enforced? Or, is that still more "nanny state" thinking? Would you still use those types of places if they weren't regulated, checked, and enforced?


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