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Monday, November 14, 2016

Twitter Allows ‘Rape Melania’ to Trend After Site Explodes with Trump Assassination Threats

Social media giant Twitter allowed the violent threat “Rape Melania” against incoming First Lady Melania Trump to trend after the site exploded with assassination threats against President-elect Donald Trump.



  1. In 60 days they will feel the weight of the White House under a new attorney general. Squashed like a grape.

  2. Democrats need to come to terms with they are inherently violent people. This because they have allowed the devil in them. The democrat platform is the doctrine of satan.

  3. Dems' no longer have a platform. They need to take their deflated ball and go home!

  4. Trey Gowdy for Attorney General !

  5. The Secret Service went to a kid's school in Denver the NEXT DAY after the kid posted a facebook message that said Obama should be careful because of muslim bombers.
    A 12 year old kid.
    NOW, Facebook and Twitter and Instagram let their users post threats of assassination to a President-elect and threats of rape to his wife and what is happening? Not much.
    Two sets of laws.
    Keep cheering.

  6. I didnt vote for him, but this is wrong to say about his spouse.

  7. They can't help themselves.

    It has been 8 years since a female played the role of First Lady.
    They are losing their minds!

  8. And they suppressed the negative tweets about Hillary. It's time for people to give up these liberal social media outlets and let them wake up to reality.


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