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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Trump to New Hampshire: 'We're Gonna Save Ourselves'

ATKINSON, New Hampshire — Republican nominee Donald Trump kicked off his final push for the presidency on Friday in New Hampshire, where a packed audience of about 1,000 gathered to hear their candidate at the Atkinson Country Club.

Trump cited a new CBS News story revealing that some of the State Department emails, among the 650,000 found by the FBI on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, were not previously seen by authorities.

“She said she gave ’em all in, right?” he asked, rhetorically. Given the new discoveries, he added, she had probably committed “perjury.”

“All she had to do was follow the rules… And for what? … She’ll be under investigation for years, she’ll be with trials .. If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis.”

And America, he said, was tired of Clinton crises.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so tired of the Clintons in general, but I'll put those feelings aside until after the trials and sentencing and the dismantlement of the Clinton Foundation.


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