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Monday, November 14, 2016

Trump Dumps Christie Over Bridge-gate: 'Stupid Thug Had to Go'

President-elect Donald Trump is finished with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as news continues to come out about his handling of the Bridge-gate scandal, according to The New York Post.

The Post reports that Trump is so "disgusted" with Christie’s management style as revealed in a recent court case that he’s "kicking" the governor out of his inner circle.

Some Trump aides regard the New Jersey governor as "a stupid thug who really needed to go," a transition-team source told The Post.

"Trump thought it was shameful that Christie didn’t take the fall for [convicted aide] Bridget Kelly," a source close to the transition team told the Post. "Trump is really angry that Christie is sending a soccer mom to jail. He believes 100 percent that Christie was behind it all."

Kelly, Christie’s former deputy chief of staff, was convicted in federal court earlier this month along with former Port Authority executive Bill Baroni. They deliberately caused dangerous traffic tie-ups on the George Washington Bridge in September 2013 as political payback for Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich not endorsing Christie, a jury determined.

"Trump really doesn’t like it when married women with kids get hurt in politics," the source told the Post. "Trump was pretty disgusted with Christie."



  1. Wow! Good for Mr. Trump. Christie was a glaring question mark for me. I am liking our new president elect more each day

  2. christie is a north east gun grabbing liberal. Trump saw him for what he is. Go Trump!

  3. Christie supported Trump when all the lies were being told and everyone was bashing him, why can't he give Christie the same support until all comes out and not jump the gun. Maybe Christie and other governors will think of this if Trump runs for re-election.

  4. Good call, Donald!

  5. Hopefully not a choice for any other cabinet position. ... or SCOTUS? AARRGGHH!!


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