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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Trump Could Slash $500 Million from Public Broadcasting

With President-elect Trump promising to pay for his infrastructure and defense spending by defunding non-essential federal spending, one of the first programs on the block could be the almost $500 million spent on public broadcasting.

Despite repeated efforts to kill federal funding of public broadcasting since Republicans won the House in 2010 and Presidential-nominee Mitt Romney made it a campaign promise in 2012, the U.S. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education are spending $470.7 million in U.S. taxpayer cash to fund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) this year, which provides 15 percent of PBS television and 10 percent of NPR radio broadcasting funding.

Although their charter requires strict non-partisan programing, the public broadcasters are accused of leaning left. An NPR article described the 2016 election results as “nostalgia for a whiter America.”

After Joel Pollak, who serves as Breitbart’s Senior Editor-at-Large and In-house Counsel, defended its Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon from false and defamatory claims of antisemitism and “white nationalism” in a Nov. 16 interview, NPR’s ombudsman/public editor Elizabeth Jensen recommended that the taxpayer-funded radio news service bar future live interviews of conservatives, who may be “normalizing hate speech.” Instead, guests with presumably controversial views should be pre-taped, she said, so that their opinions might be “contextualized.”

More here


  1. NPR's programming across the board was infuriatingly one sided in favor of liberals. It's hurt their listener numbers.

    When and if the federal cut in NPR spending is made, the specific reason(s) why it was made must be included in every discussion and headline. Even with the facts presented, the liberal whine will be heard around the World, but without them, the noise will be unbearably loud and long, part of a calculated attack on the decision and the decision makers.

  2. Koch brother own PBS anyhow, they don't need no stinking funding.

  3. I have always said PBS and NPR was / is liberal leaning and not unbiased. They should never receive any tax dollars by being biased and not neutral in their broadcasting.

  4. It needs to close down.

  5. I also noticed that MPT had gone the same way during the elections and wondered how that could be. They were totally pro Clinton. So, I just stopped watching PBS 22.

  6. When MPT started a spanish speaking channel, I told them to have them donate to PBS. Don't see any fund raising on the MPT 3 Vme!!! Bet there isn't any english speaking public tv channels in Mexico!!! Screw multiculturalism, and screw political correctness!

  7. Like any business if it cant make it on it's own it goes under.

  8. Round up and arrest the opposition, shutter the media. Let's do it right this time!!

  9. Defund Planned Parenthood and defund NPR. Let's start the list with those two!


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