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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trump celebrator cited for setting off cannon

KEIZER, Ore. (KOIN) – Police cited a man for disorderly conduct over his celebration of Donald J. Trump’s presidential victory.

According to Keizer Police Sgt. Jeff Goodman, around 8:50 p.m. Wednesday, emergency dispatchers received reports that a loud explosion had been heard all over town.

In the 5100 block of 7th Avenue Northeast, neighbors directed police to a house that had a large cloud of smoke overhead. When police arrived, people at the house were “very uncooperative,” according to Goodman.

According to Goodman, Michael Dingle, the owner of the house, admitted he was happy Trump won so he decided to load cannon with gunpowder and set it off in celebration. Two other people were charged with hindering prosecution, according to police. Their names have not been released.



  1. So he gets cited for disorderly conduct but if you block a street and riot you are free to go! Does this make any sense?

  2. I bet it was worth it. If I was the cop I would asked him to do it again.

  3. Thank you Mr.Dingle!

  4. Uh, is there a noise ordinance? A particular law against making a loud noise? What is disorderly conduct on your own property?
    I hope he sues the snap out of the police department and city for violating his rights!

  5. Open a GoFundMe page. We'll take care of your attorney bills.


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