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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The (Very) Few Places With No Black-White Income Gap

The income gap between black and white households has grown since 2000 and only worsened since the recession.

In 2015, the median income for black households was 59.5 percent of that for whites, or $36,544 to $61,394. That’s a greater gap than at the end of the recession in 2009, when black income was 61.2 percent of white income.

Yet, a tiny number of places exist where black household income is greater than that of whites. Of the 364 large U.S. counties whose populations are at least 5 percent black, there are seven, according to a Stateline analysis of U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey data for 2010-14.

Among them: Stafford County, Virginia, an exurban bedroom community of Washington, D.C., and home to military installations, where many black families find contract work or commute to government jobs in the nation’s capital.

The typical black household there earned an average of $105,628 from 2010 through 2014, the highest income of the seven counties. White households earned an average of $99,533 during that time. Washington, D.C., by contrast, had one of the biggest gaps in the nation — black household income was $40,829, little more than a third of the $115,109 for white households.



  1. The question is, whether that is *earned* income, or taken from the taxpayers of every ethnicity.

  2. To Sbynews,
    I just started at UMES and i am very disturbed that there is a BLM flag flying over the American flag on campus i am also a african american and a daughter of a military family and find this to be Unamerican and Treasonous, I cannot understand why any college would allow this and when i see my family on thanksgiving i will be telling them i am refusing to go to this college and hope to go to SU Instead,From talkingv to other freshman this flag has been up All year,anyway thank you,

    And god bless

    1. The great thing in America is you have the right to choose what you do. Freedom is a wonderful thing and have a happy thanksgiving.

  3. So-called 'income inequality' is a phony issue.. a fraud ginned up by the leftists to divide us.

    What is cited in this story is an invalid comparison, especially the thinking that incomes between equal size households should be equal.

    IF you're comparing incomes between two households where the people have identical jobs and experience levels, and they're in the same geographic area, that might be a valid comparison.

    Anything else is fraud.

    Which one is this?

  4. " I just started at UMES and i am very disturbed that there is a BLM flag flying over the American flag on campus i am also a african american and a daughter of a military family and find this to be Unamerican and Treasonous.."

    Good for you! I agree with you.
    Why don't you write or call the governor's office and ask him why this is going on at a state-funded institution.

  5. Is there a photograph of this? If it is true, i agree it is treasonous.


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