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Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Obamas Just Bought Another House — And This One Is Really Far From Home

Though the family has already leased a posh nine-bedroom mansion in the North West neighborhood of Washington, D.C. for when they leave the White House, Barack and Michelle Obama are now the proud owners of a fifth home on the West Coast.

According to Page Six, the Obamas bought a house in Rancho Mirage, Calif., a small town located near Palm Springs that is known for its golf resorts and was frequented by Obama during his presidency.

It is also where Gerald Ford retired.



  1. 58 police officers killed this year .

  2. I had no idea that the President of the Unites States salary paid so well? His inability to decide where he wants to live, now having five different homes, in Washington, Chicago, New York, Hawaii and California makes a person wonder. Where did all that money $$$ come from? Who needs 5 homes to live in? Wonder "If I Had A Son" is going to start one of those heart felt charitable foundations like the Clinton's did? Sure looks fishy to poor folk?

  3. That is so his illegals has a place to go.

  4. The most inept president in US history.

  5. Great! Gov Brown can take care of him.

  6. One more reason to hope California finally falls into the Pacific.

    1. 1:39. Maybe the Eastern Shore will fall into the Atlantic.

  7. We haven't yet seen the amounts of cash that Obama will bring in with speaking fees after his term ends. Nor do we know what employment he will seek. It's a given that he will be an overpaid board member for dozens of companies, banks and other organizations, with stock options and benefits. And then there's Michelle, who will similarly cash in to the tune of millions annually.
    The presidential pension will scarcely be pocket change for the Obamas.

  8. He needs to buy a house in Indonesia or anywhere out of the fifty states!

  9. If they are paid for qualifications and worth the homes will be re popped. Purrr worthless pair.

  10. I wonder how much he's been paid by Middle East countries or better yet funneled through the Clinton foundation and under the table to him??? Makes one wonder!!!!

  11. How about he forfeit his government retirement and the cost of the secret service since he's so wealthy??? Fat chance of that typical lib spend others money and hoard there own!!!

  12. I believe it was Truman that said anyone who becomes rich while in political office is a crook. This guy was and is an embarrassment to our great nation.


  13. He's been a terrible president.

    But they bought a big place in Chicago when he became IL senator in Congress. And it's been announced they're renting a big barn in DC until youngest girl finishes school.

    But none of the other info has been confirmed. He has friends in Rancho Mirage and plays at golf. It could be on his radar.

    I don't think retirement will be as lucrative for him as people think. Absolutely nobody likes him and he's a jerk with teleprompter crutches. His 'staff' is going to drop to near zero (where have we heard that term?) as soon as Trump is sworn in.

  14. They need to leave this country and live in Columbia (not the city)taking their friend Al Sharpton with them.

  15. Buy one in Kenya, and go back home!


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