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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Mainstream Media Are Dead

One of the biggest disappointments of this election season has to be the final unraveling of the mainstream media. As the days pass and the smoke clears a bit after the shocking events, it is hard to grapple with the magnitude of their collapse.

It’s true that their demise has been many years in the making, but what we just witnessed was stunning.

Some in the press have shown a bit of introspection, after reality set in that their political campaign (more on that later) was over and they had lost. But sadly, the soul-searching itself is part of the script. The “we live in a liberal bubble” explanation worked for a while, but it is wholly inadequate to explain 2016.

I hesitate to say it, but for practical purposes, the mainstream media are dead.

They're dead because they cannot be trusted. In 2016, we’ve discovered, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the mainstream media collude with the Democratic Party to advance the careers of liberal politicians. We now know that they colluded to elect Hillary Clinton.

This is more than merely siding with liberal policies or demanding in your official manual that pro-lifers be called “anti-abortion.” That’s plain old liberal bias, and we’re all accustomed to dealing with it. However, this goes well beyond that.



  1. Gayle king and that CBS hack Charlie Rose were almost in tears on Nov 9. I was eating it up.The Fay before they just kept talking like HILLARY was going to win. If they continue to act like thier audience can relate to thier uptown city dwelling liberal rants, then they will be out of a job. Most people in America don't live in inner cites.And most Americans can see the BS they spew out every day. I for one tune out when they go there.

  2. They will not be dead until the majority boycott them and their sponsors. MSM has waged a war against America's citizens, brain washing and lying..the country should be furious, outraged that they've fed such propaganda. WE must fight them or they will return with a vengeance, We must not tolerate their lies, their tricks, their poison.

  3. 6:47PM: Agreed. I feel that this situation created the sleeping giant overthrow of the liberal ruling class. Very little outspoken behavior but the anger in a lot of just kept growing and growing. It's amazing that the sitting POTUS is bragging about his terms having never resulted in any scandals. He must wear an eye mask and earplugs to bed.

  4. Burn the media down.

  5. I gave up on all of them and get my news from SbY news and Drudge.

  6. I also refuse to tune them in. I won't even watch local news as they were told what to say by their affiliated owners ABC and CBS. And the Daily Times is just as bad.

  7. It's now the Hillary media

  8. It is the Democrat controlled Media !!!

  9. And how is the exposure of the Mainstream media being a tool of the oligarchy a bad thing?

  10. I think when Trump called to media for a meeting at Trump towers, he chewed them out, and called them out for their reporting. Basically he told them they would not get any cooperation or special treatment from him. He told them they were no longer relevant, as the public now gets their news and information from other sources. The election proved that, even though the media went out of their way to slander him. There are other outlets for our new president to get his message out without the mainstream media. It's wonderful to hear they are no relevant and cannot be trusted anymore. That includes Fox news as well!

  11. Since the election, I have totally boycotted watching the media controlled evening news. I still watch the local news to get the local news and weather. The rest, I usually get from the Drudge Report, and of course SBYNEWS for news in this area. I also like Jeff Rense or Rense.com for his news and views. So much is happening in this country and the world that is not getting reported. It's hard to know who to trust now days for the information. I definitely cannot trust the corporate and government controlled media. Even RT news reported that our media is more government controlled than their media in Russia! That's a very scary statement!

  12. It's a Controlled Media just like Russia except they don't
    Kill anyone yet........but it is Controlled and Biased !!!

    Certainly the Clinton Mafia has controls in it .....
    and the Democrats......


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