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Saturday, November 05, 2016

The FBI, DOJ Made 'Lock Her Up' A Legitimate Political Slogan. Here's Why.

In the wake of new reports suggesting that the Clinton Foundation may be targeted for indictment by an FBI investigation, and that Hillary Clinton’s private email server was hacked no less than five times by foreign intelligence agencies, the 2016 Democratic nominee was asked whether she would fire current FBI director James Comey if she were elected president. Here was her answer:

I’m not going to either get ahead of myself by assuming I’ll be fortunate enough to be elected. That’s really up to you and your listeners. People have to turn out or nothing that I’m going to be proposing will come into reality. But I also would never comment on any kind of personnel issue.

the wake of new reports suggesting that the Clinton Foundation may be targeted for indictment by an FBI investigation, and that Hillary Clinton’s private email server was hacked no less than five times by foreign intelligence agencies, the 2016 Democratic nominee was asked whether she would fire current FBI director James Comey if she were elected president. Here was her answer:

I’m not going to either get ahead of myself by assuming I’ll be fortunate enough to be elected. That’s really up to you and your listeners. People have to turn out or nothing that I’m going to be proposing will come into reality. But I also would never comment on any kind of personnel issue.


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