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Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Anti-Trump Riots are a Smoke Screen

Many seem bewildered by the anti-Trump riots and demonstrations. And many keep trying to find a reasonable response. Give it up. You can't reason with them with words.

Here is my take. They know full well that they aren't going to overturn the election. These privately funded forces are being used to create pressure to destroy the Electoral College so they won't have to deal with it next election. This is how the Left operates. Make a big deal over here to force the hidden agenda over there. The plan is to make enough trouble that Congress will move to abolish the EC to get some peace.

For clues as to who is behind this effort, one only has to watch to see which member of Congress proposes such action. The answer of course is California Senator Barbara Boxer. It only took a week after the election for her to come to the rescue of the broken and distraught Left.

Meanwhile, hidden forces are now meeting with and brow-beating members of the Electoral College to get them to change their vote from the true winner of their state and vote out Trump.

The danger is real and gaining ground. But it didn’t start with this election result. A campaign to eliminate the Electoral College and “let the people elect the president,” has been gaining steam for several years. A group called National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, started in 2006, has won commitments from eleven states to award their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. These include Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Massachusetts, California, New York, Hawaii, and the District of Columbia. These states control 165 electoral votes. They only need states representing 105 more electoral votes to join and the Electoral College will be a thing of the past. Meanwhile, such legislation is under consideration in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arizona, to name a few.



  1. If the Electoral College is eliminated then the Country's elections will basically be controlled by California and New York. These two states protect illegal aliens who murder people and have been deported before. I prefer elected officials who believe in our Constitution and the laws passed by Congress.

  2. Congress will not abolish the Electoral College system. We will become divided into separate countries through another civil war first. But the wimps would lose.


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