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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Subject: DNC Chair

On November 8, the Democratic party and our country suffered a major setback. Now more than ever, we need to listen to one another and work to repair what has been torn apart.

While I'm grateful to the supportive friends who have urged me to consider running for DNC Chair, I will not be seeking our Party's Chairmanship. The DNC needs a Chair who can do the job fully and with total impartiality. The national interest must come first.

In the days ahead, my family and I will continue to do everything in our power to fight for the Democratic Party, and for the more compassionate and inclusive country that we carry in our hearts.

"We are one, our cause is one, and we must help each other if we are to succeed."



  1. HA HA HA they turned him down.

  2. He's in a dream world. 90% of the nation have no idea who he is, even after his less than 1% support as a presidential candidate. Too bad though, the best thing for the Republican and other lesser parties would be him, running the Democrats into the ground.

  3. Worst Maryland Governor in my lifetime (65 years). Created more new taxes on Marylanders than any other. Remember his 20% sales tax increase right after taking office? How about that rain tax? And the sales tax on gasoline, and on and on....

    He was nobody in the Democrat primary, and he's nobody now. Done, toast, over with. He apparently is having a bad time living as a "private" citizen. He is politically dead.

  4. Good choice!!! Let him screw-up the DNC just as he did MD and Baltimore. Will be fun to watch the failures.

  5. Martin should pay tax based on the BS meter which is currently maxed out

  6. I'm boycotting everything that Mark Cuban is associated with as well as any elitist democrats also.

  7. Lucky him that the last Governor appointed his wife to a judgeship.

  8. 11:02 AM Ditto the man is a total dud!

  9. This should work out well!


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