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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Students Fake Trump’s Assassination And It’s OK. Try This On Obama And It’s RACIST

Students of a San Antonio high school staged a mock Donald Trump assassination skit and set the world on fire for several reasons. It’s reported that the students and teacher were reprimanded.

I don’t agree with the reprimanding because we fought so hard for free speech, so I can’t knock them on what they did because it makes me a hypocrite of free speech. The CAN say whatever they want and if I don’t agree with it, then that’s my problem. We do not have to agree with everything that everyone says.

However, the students were promoting violence and the assassination of a real person, a President elect, so that might warrant some sort of domestic violence or conspiracy charges (doubtful), yet should not be permitted in a high school setting. At the very least, a slap on the wrist at school is in order.



  1. Thats not freedom of speech, thats threatening and worse teaching such violence is unheard of...

    1. The Secret Service should pay the school a visit

  2. I agree totally with 'free speech'. That being said, this is NOT a 'free speech' matter. What's the difference in doing this or threatening a presidents life. They acted it out for heavens sake. They should have a harsh reprimand and the teacher should be fired. period!!!

  3. This should be against the Law !! and Not be Posted !!

  4. I am dumbstruck by this!

  5. Sick, sick, sick, I would not wish that on the current dude hold up in our White House and he just may be the subject I least like.

  6. They may get arrested for this type of thing ...be Warned !!

  7. I want the SS to arrest these punk A--

  8. If it were Obama SS would be knocking on the doors to Arrest
    Them !!!

  9. The elites want people to react exactly in the manner these commenters are reacting.
    Ban free speech!
    People shouldn't be "allowed" to say that!
    We want the government to control our actions!
    So on.

    The elite are very smart. And tricky. And evil.

    Don't fall for it.

    We believe in freedom of speech.
    Nobody has murdered anyone.
    Nobody has planned to murder anyone.

    1. Actually several people have been arrested and charged with threatening Trump's life. A lot more than you know because MSM isn't reporting it but other news sources are. You might want to investigate other places to stay in the loop. There's even a CEO being questioned by the Secret Service after he lost his job posting death threats on Twitter and Facebook. The administrators of the school in question will be dealt with soon enough.

    2. 7:56
      Thats a LIE they where NOT Arrested they where Reprimanded BIG DIFF.

  10. This is an educational environment. No place here for this type of education.

    Punishment of school officials is demanded here.

  11. 6:39, is anything not "racist" to you? This has nothing to do with race, ever. It's about assignation being taught in a school environment. It is totally wrong on all levels, except race.

  12. This anything but "free speech", it's a national security threat.


    Arrest those responsible for promoting this activity.

  13. Oh. My. God. This is horrifying. Please remove it from Salisbury News.

  14. WHY where these scum only "Repremanded" ohhh i forgot the liberal police chiefs are in.obamas pockets.

  15. Nothing to do with free speech.They need to be arrested for threats to the President-elect of the U.S.A.I'm sorry, but that's a real threat.
    They need more than a "reprimand"!

  16. This is awful. What is wrong with the school administration for allowing this. This is not free speech, this borders on criminal activity.

  17. The students, parents, and teacher need to be taken to the border ASAP. Obama I hear is up for a big position, and Hillary is demanding a recount, take them to the border as well with Bill Clinton.

  18. Shouldn't be allowed, PERIOD!


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