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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Striped Bass Poachers Charged

Officers on overnight surveillance in Dorchester County Friday and Saturday caught six recreational anglers poaching striped bass.

On Friday, officers saw two men catching fish near Fishing Creek Bridge and stopped their vehicle as they drove away. Inside, they found 86 undersized striped bass.

Martin Majano, 41, of Walkersville and Jose Osmar Martinez Gonzales, 44, of Gaithersburg, were each charged with keeping undersized striped bass and keeping striped bass under the legal minimum size of 20 inches.

Both men must appear in Dorchester County District Court. Their court date is Jan. 18. The maximum penalty for each man is $3,000.

On Saturday, four people were charged with illegal fishing in the same area after officers stopped their vehicle and found six fish inside.

Lila Del Carmen Hernandez, 54, of Washington, D.C., Idalia Elizabeth Hernandez, 30 and Roberto Carlos Fuentes Joya, 28, both of Beltsville and Jose Maria Hernandez Alberto, 54, of Silver Spring, were each charged with keeping undersized fish, exceeding the daily creel limit and keeping striped bass between midnight and 5 a.m.

They all are scheduled to appear in Dorchester County District Court Feb. 15, where they could be fined as much as $1,500 for each offense.


Five Montgomery County men were charged with poaching striped bass Thursday by officers on overnight patrol in Kent Narrows.

The men, aboard a recreational boat, were stopped as they returned to the public boat ramp on Kent Island. A search found 17 fish, 16 of them under the legal minimum size of 20 inches, hidden away. The largest and only legal striped bass was 20 1/2 inches and the smallest was 12 1/4 inches.

Silver Spring residents Evaristo Hernandez-Ortiz, 44; Gilberto Anibal Contreras, 33; Juan Cristino Jonguitud, 36; and Rene Alexis Salvador, 28, and Rockville resident Carlos Mario Sanchez, 28, each were charged with keeping undersized striped bass, exceeding the daily creel limit and keeping striped bass between midnight and 5 a.m.

If the five men choose to plead guilty and pay their fines in advance of their Queen Anne’s County District Court date, their combined penalties will total $2,025. If they go to court and are found guilty, they could be fined a maximum of $1,000 per offense.


  1. For some reason I don't think that they are "from Gaithersburg". They're probably just staying there for a while.

  2. That is infuriating for people who follow the rules. No wonder we have to grow fish on a farm and release them since we have fools like this ruining a good sport. Its ridiculous to slap a fine on them just so they can do it again. If you didnt have poaching, you probably could stop farm raising the Stripers

  3. They probably thought they were poaching in sanctuary waterways

  4. Does DNR publish a Spanish version of its regulations? Just asking, not looking for excuses.

  5. The Nanticoke is full of poachers.

  6. How dare they encroach on what has always been a born here activity.

  7. Apparently Hispanics don't believe they have to obey any laws of the US.
    Anyone else sick of them?

    1. I think you are generalizing here Bunky. The Hispanics I know are hard-working, Honest Christians.

    2. Let the illegal Hispanics go back home and work hard, and eat some fish from there polluted streams!

  8. They'll just to a sancutary city and there they will be untouchable.

  9. 2:26 They shouldn't have to.

  10. They sure would look great filleted, lightly breaded and floating in a huge deep fryer!!!

  11. No fish tacos tonight

  12. I know the guy that cuts my grass is. Speaks better english than most locals, takes pride in his work and is a family man. Rather have him as aneighbor than the trash I see walking around the Da'bury with their pants half way down.

  13. You must be living under a rock Sparky.

  14. 8:05 PM probably owns a landscaping company.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Apparently Hispanics don't believe they have to obey any laws of the US.
    Anyone else sick of them?

    November 16, 2016 at 4:15 PM


  16. Issue #1 - I am sick and tired of illegal Mexicans invading our country and leeching off our welfare system and committing crimes.

    Issue #2 - "If the five men choose to plead guilty and pay their fines in advance of their Queen Anne’s County District Court date, their combined penalties will total $2,025." These fines aren't high enough to cover the time and salaries of the manpower invested. It is actually cost prohibitive to employ DNR Police. Raise the fines to make it worthwhile to enforce the laws. If you don't the Democrats will find a way to dissove the DNR Police.

    Issue #3 - DNR Police are fully sworn police officers and not all of them prefer to patrol the highways and enforce other state laws. Just the new gung ho police officers do. Many use this as a retirement job. These officers should be patrolling, providing mutual aid, backing up real police agencies, and taking calls when the jurisdiction having authority is busy and these guys are available.

  17. Other side of the wall material

  18. Too many people think that fish are fish are fish, and that they are in infinite supply, regardless of size or species. They're so terribly wrong.

  19. In Prison for a Fish !! What's that 10 to 20 ??


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