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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Sources: 99 percent chance foreign intel agencies breached Clinton server

Authorities now believe there is about a 99 percent chance that up to five foreign intelligence agencies may have accessed and taken emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server, two separate sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations told Fox News.

The revelation led House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul to describe Clinton’s handling of her email system during her tenure as secretary of state as “treason.”

“She exposed [information] to our enemies,” McCaul said on “Fox & Friends” Thursday morning. “Our adversaries have this very sensitive information. … In my opinion, quite frankly, it’s treason.”

McCaul, R-Texas, said that FBI Director James Comey told him previously that foreign adversaries likely had gotten into her server. When Comey publicly discussed the Clinton email case back in July, he also said that while there was no evidence hostile actors breached the server, it was “possible” they had gained access.

Clinton herself later pushed back, saying the director was merely “speculating.”

But sources told Fox News that Comey should have said at the time there is an “almost certainty” that several foreign intelligence agencies hacked into the server.


1 comment:

  1. Take her security clearance, then she can't be president.


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