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Monday, November 14, 2016

Soros Exposed as Hidden Hand Behind Trump Protests — Provoking U.S. ‘Color Revolution’

Billionaire globalist financier George Soros’ MoveOn.org has been revealed to be a driving force behind the organizing of nationwide protests against the election of Donald Trump — exposing the protests to largely be an organized, top-down operation — and not an organic movement of concerned Americans taking to the streets as reported by the mainstream media.

Wednesday saw protests in the streets of at least 10 major U.S. cities. Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, D.C., Portland, Ore., St. Paul, Minn., Seattle, and several other cities saw protests, according to USA Today.

In light of the protests and rioting that have transpired since the election of Trump, a closer analysis of the dynamic at play is warranted to gauge whether it’s an organic grassroots movement, or something much more organized, sophisticated and potentially dangerous.

Now come reports from various protest locations that reveal a substantially coordinated effort, and not the organic grassroots showing by concerned Americans, as the mainstream media is reporting. Photos from Austin, Texas reveal a line of busses the “protestors” arrived in, making their appearance seem substantially less than organic – with a direct implication of being strategically orchestrated.

With evidence mounting, the question must be asked; is George Soros working through his front organizations to foment an American revolution?

Note that the group is actively organizing protests to a democratic election that no one is contesting the legitimacy of in terms of whether the vote was rigged, etc. Essentially, they are displeased with the results and are calling for people to rise up and not accept the results. For an organization that feigns to promote democracy, their actions speak otherwise..

Much more here


  1. Soros needs to be in PRISON.

  2. Soros wants a race war make sure all the gays and transgenders and Millinials are up FRONT.

  3. and this country is "Afraid" of a billionaire named trump. we should think twice. soros is the puppetmaster

  4. Soros is an evil evil man. Just read his history. People worried about trump deporting people. He lead his own people to the gas chambers in Germany. He is coward plain and simple.

  5. This current FBI and justice dept wont do a thing to him,he owns the democrats.

  6. Soros should be prosecuted for TREASON!

  7. actually russia wants him, since Donald wrote the art of the deal. maybe he can make a deal to send soros to russia?

  8. Hey readers!
    Have you donned your tin foil hats?

    This article is claiming that Soros is behind a "conspiracy" against the People.

  9. So maybe conspiracy theorists were correct?

  10. Isn't inciting riots a crime?


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