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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Sharon Day: Rescind your Clinton Endorsement

It was 25 years ago that Martin Scorsese delighted audiences with his movie rendition of the Jim Thompson novel, “The Grifters.”

The story is an ingenious tale of deception and betrayal. By definition a grifter is someone who has made money dishonestly, in a swindle or a confidence game.

After weeks of revealing information behind the Clinton Foundation and their self-motivated fundraising tactics, there is no other word to describe the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. She’s engaged in behavior that is disqualifying to be a candidate for the highest office, and yet dozens of American legislators, leaders and even media outlets have endorsed her candidacy.

She’s swindled countries out of donations, she’s swindled corporate America with her lofty promises and she’s swindled the American people – over and over and over again.



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