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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Second North Carolina Poll Confirms Donald Trump’s Solid Tar Heel Lead Over Hillary Clinton

NEW YORK — A second poll from the Tar Heel state in as many days confirms that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is leading his Democrat Hillary Clinton.

This poll, from The Trafalgar Group (TFG), shows Trump up by about five percent over Clinton—specifically, a lead of 4.97 percent—outside the survey’s 2.88 percent margin of error. Trump, at 49.13 percent, leads Clinton at 44.16 percent. Libertarian Gary Johnson gets 3.59 percent and the Green Party’s Dr. Jill Stein gets 0.49 percent, while 2.63 percent are undecided. The survey was conducted from Oct. 27 through Nov. 1, with a sample size of 1,154 likely voters. That means the poll was partially conducted before FBI director James Comey announced he was reopening the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

Pollster Robert Cahaly, TFG’s senior strategist, said that he thinks there is a Brexit-like undercurrent of Trump support in key battleground states.


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