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Friday, November 25, 2016

Science Channel opts not to air Punkin Chunkin special

BRIDGEVILLE – Science Channel’s scheduled prime-time special on 2016 World Championship Punkin Chunkin will not air as scheduled.

Citing an incident in which a 39-year-old woman was critically injured during the final day of this year’s event, Science Channel has cancelled the three-hour special scheduled to air this Saturday, Nov. 26 at 8 p.m.

“In light of the unfortunate incident at the Punkin Chunkin event on Nov. 6, Science Channel will not air Punkin Chunkin as originally planned,” said Paul Schur, publicity vice president for Animal Planet and Science Channel. “We are sending our hopes and prayers for a full recovery to the injured woman, her family and loved ones.”



  1. I think that's a smart decision.

  2. People don't "get" things like they should.For instance,Punkin Chunkin has been screaming to be eliminated for years,but no one listened.As the # of spectators grew,the likelihood of injury increased because of the contraptions involved.The miracle is that no one has ever actually been killed.The participants(in some cases) push pull or drag their devices to the chunkin location and THEN begin the adjustments and fine tuning.Such maintenance should be done prior to the event,which would leave minor work once on grounds.A safe distance is not possible.

  3. It's time to require air cannons to have a Hydro test just like a SCUBA tank does. I know, it's more regulation, but there's a sound REASON to hydro test a pressure cylinder.

  4. People die every day in events. They still show football and racing. This is a cop out.

  5. 6:22 you are right I was a scuba diver for years and nobody would fill a tank that was out of date plus most shops required the tank to be visually inspected inside every year also. It is just too dangerous to do otherwise. Probably those people never heard of a hydrostatic test or a visual inspection. If the Punkin Chunkin people don't get a handle on this more will get hurt. There must be a some firemen involved with that group,they are filling high pressure tanks all the time,they know what to do.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    People die every day in events. They still show football and racing. This is a cop out.

    November 26, 2016 at 8:04 AM

    No, I don't believe they do. I can't recall that last time anyone was killed playing football, can you? And besides, being hurt/killed while being a participant is one thing, being hurt/killed while being a spectator is another.


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