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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Salisbury City Council Agenda & Packet For 11-28-16


  1. "Resolution No. 2700 - approving the appointment of Shawn Jester to the Board of Zoning Appeals for term ending November 2019"

    HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!! The current president of the Wicomico County Republemocrat Club! Best buddies with Jim Liarton, Jake Gay, Manure Boata and Chuck Cook. Who is the next appointment Jackie Welfonder?

  2. Four manufacturing Exemptions being approved. So who is going to pay for those exemptions? We the residential tax payers are! Thanks Salisbury Democrats!

  3. Award of Bid – Administration, RFP 07-16 Legal Services $ N/A

    The vote was 2 – 2 (Messrs. Heath and Boda voted “aye”, Ms. Jackson and Mr. Ireton voted “nay”, Mr. Rudasill abstained). After discussion, Mr. Rudasill then changed his vote to “aye”. After further discussion, Mr. Rudasill disclosed a conflict of interest and decided to abstain from the final vote. The award failed on a 2 – 2 vote, one abstention.


    Who was the contract going to and who was Jim Ireton voting against? Was he voting against Mark Tilgman or the new contract?

    One member of the Public commented on the following:

    • abstention from voting

    Ok what was the comment and who was the member of the public? We as citizens have a right to know!! What is the city of Salisbury trying to hide!!

    NOVEMBER 7, 2016

    "Councilman James Ireton, Jr. (left 7:15 p.m.)"

    Has anyone else noticed that Jim Ireton is constantly missing meetings and/or coming very late or leaving very early?

    If he can't do his job then he needs to step down and give the job to Roger Mazullo!

  6. Hey Joe have you done a story on Tom Stevenson's demotion and Julia Glanz's promotion?

  7. JoeAlbero said...
    8:36, Yes we did.

    November 28, 2016 at 9:00 AM

    Thanks, I would like to read it. If you would be kind enough to put the link to it on here that would be greatly appreciated.

  8. WOW!! Rick Hoppes and the City are raping the taxpayers AGAIN for 2 brand new fire trucks!!!!

    They are raping us again for $1,364,378.00 to purchase (2) Pierce Arrow XT fire engines!! "XT" means they are top of the line.

    They just got those 2 units rehabbed and repainted a couple of years ago and it wasn't even needed then because they were only 2 years old then.

    Fire trucks can last easily 20 years in small towns like Salisbury. What kind of idiots do we have on the Mayor and Council! I thought things would get better with this new council. All we have is a council of tax and spend Democrats. That's right Jack Heath and Muir Boda you 2 are nothing but tax and spend Democrats along with Jim Ireton and the rest of them.

    If you dare you can contact Rick Hoppes via his city email account at rhoppes@ci.Salisbury.md.us and if you want you can call him at 410-548-3120 extension 103 and give that thief Hell. He is nothing but a rapist!

  9. 8:29 AM - If you really want to know what the comment was and who made it, the meeting is on PAC14 archives and YouTube.

  10. There is a 'reported' house fire on Camden Avenue in Fruitland, Station #3's first due and Station's 3, 15(Allan) and 1(Salisbury) were dispatched. Deputy Chief 1, Darrin Scott, decides that he needs to respond to that call in a city chief's car. They mutual aid agreement states "manpower" not a nosey chief who is going to stand around and do nothing.

    The dispatcher says that is is a washing machine smoking but no fire. Well guess what, that isn't a structure fire.

    Now someone comes on the air and says "no fire, just and odor." Then Darrin Scott arrives and establishes command and it isn't even Salisbury's fire district.

    What the Hell is a paid Deputy Chief from Salisbury responding like a bat out on that call in a chiefs car from Salisbury who was never dispatched and establishing command?? Darrin Scott you are an idiot and you could have killed someone driving a high rate of speed like a moron that you are!

  11. The city adminstrator thing was long overdue. Ireton showed his ignorance on that deal. Commendable on Day finally finding a solution and the way STEVENSON showed a great deal of character and maturity. As far as a demotion I'm not sure being given a job with same pay and not all the whining and headaches is a demotion. I will guarantee this though all of the readers on this blog that complain about the city being a slum won't have that to bitch about too much longer. If TOM Stevenson is anything he is very attention to detail oriented and very much into being organized and cleanliness.

  12. I think it's time for salisbury to tell IRETON they've had enough of his nonsense. It seems as though things would go a lot smoother without all his ridiculous input and antics


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