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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Rep. Peter King: 'Up to 40 Somali Americans' Have Become 'ISIS Terrorists'

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), a member of the Homeland Security Committee, said Monday's attack at the Ohio State University "has all the indicators of terrorism," including a Somali refugee as the suspect and the use of a knife and a vehicle to harm people, as ISIS has encouraged its followers to do.

"There's been a real problem with the (American) Somali community as far as having a large number of Al-Shabaab supporters," King told Fox News's Megyn Kelly Monday night.

As CNSNews.com reported on Tuesday, nearly 100,000 Somali refugees have been admitted into the United States since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, including 9,020 during fiscal year 2016 and 1,352 last month alone.

"Minneapolis-St. Paul and Columbus, Ohio are the two areas with the highest concentration of Somali refugees," King told Kelly. "We've had up to 40 Somali Americans have gone over to Somalia to fight as ISIS terrorists. So this is a real threat, it's a real danger. And again, it's a community where the overwhelming majority are good people, but there's a hard core within it.



  1. "Soldiers" according to ISIS.

  2. Far more than that number ....send ALL Back.......

  3. Execute ALL terrorists > hand them over to Military

    It should be a military matter Not civilian matter when
    it comes to them ....they should be Declared War Criminals!!

    By Firing Squad / Quick & Cheap / works Every Time !!

  4. Hand them over to a country Who Will Torture them for
    awhile , since USA can't do it
    Then collect all the intel from them........

    This will be a Deterent !!! to them to think about

  5. Let Russia and China Torture them for us and
    then take them to Guantanamo for questioning , before
    being Deported to Siberia for Hard Labor (till they die)


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