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Friday, November 25, 2016

Rare disease strikes Austin man

Many people think of leprosy as a Biblical disease or a disease that has been eradicated -- but it is alive and well in Texas.

An Austin man just finished a scary journey trying fight off the bacteria that started crippling him.

"Here's my cane," Mel Riser said as he pulled it out of his car. "It became my friend for a while."

Mel could hardly walk without his cane. "My feet started going numb," Mel said.



  1. Bring in more unvetted illegal immigrants! We are in short supply of Leprosy and Ebola, but we're catching up on Tuberculosis! Hey, anyone know where we can import some Bubonic Plague?

  2. A buddy of mine caught Leprocy in Kenya back in the mid 80s. He never had any symptoms but had a thorough checkup when he got home. The Doctors knew where he had been and the potential hazards. It was so curable that it became a joke to the group.

  3. Thanx be to our "amnesty".


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