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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Prison Dog-Training Program Expanding At Maryland Prison

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (WJZ) — Roxbury Correctional Institution near Hagerstown is expanding a program that began five years ago, giving inmates the responsibility of training shelter dogs.

The Happy Hounds program allows inmates to train rescued shelter dogs for adoption. It’s expanding from six dogs to ten.

“The program is for either shelter or rescue dogs where they’ve been involved in abusive situations,” said Roxbury Warden, Richard Miller.



  1. I like this idea. Maybe if they learn to care for something else they can care for themselves.

  2. Dogs can be so therapeutic . They give unconditional love and a lot of these people don't know what love is all about. A wonderful idea for both!!!

    1. Awwwwwww
      Open your door and move some in ? Hypocritical liberal tool.

  3. Hello out there.... a number of inmates will HAVE SEX WITH ANYTHING.....keep cheering....gee wizz..

  4. The hell with letting them train dogs....look at our highways and roads....get them some damn weed-eaters and lawnmowers....get the chain gangs back out taking care of the medians and shoulders of these roads cutting grass and pulling weeds, useful task to the states and its taxpayers....that will keep them occupied for 8 hours a day!!! They won't have time for sex with C.O.'s or drug trafficking!

  5. Zorro, get real. What are you crazy. (map)

  6. 1:05 if that's the first place your mind goes, maybe you're the one who needs help...


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