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Monday, November 21, 2016

Police under attack! Four officers, shot across the country, in a matter of hours.


  1. God Bless all of them and the families that have lost their loved one! May God be with all the men and women who are still out patrolling the streets and protecting our community. Thank you for your service!

  2. We can thank The race baiter in Chief Obama,Eric holder CNN for this.

  3. In 60 days, the candidate who promised a return to law and order will be inaugurated. The only justice for a cop killer is a hail of bullets.

  4. BLM needs to be labled as a TERROR GROUP.

  5. What a horrible thing! I wonder if there's a link between the shooters...gang affiliation, message boards, secret facebook groups or other social media.

  6. Well what do you know, A black man is wanted to be questioned

  7. President Trump i expect you to order a crack down on these thugs and liberal Ahole judges.

  8. The link is BLM, and their message, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now" The chants in the street of Baltimore are reverberating through the streets of America. Trump should outlaw the organization as another top priority when he takes office. He should declare war on street violence and use whatever means necessary to dis-arm and lock up the thugs that are responsible.


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