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Monday, November 14, 2016

Police: Muslim college student lied about attack

Uproar over an alleged attack on a Muslim student from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette after Donald Trump’s win on Election Day turned out to be all for nothing — her story was a complete fabrication.

A female student created waves of anger early Wednesday when she reported a robbery by two white men — one in a white “Trump” hat — who beat her, ripped her hijab, stole her wallet and said “nasty stuff.” It took less than 24 hours for her story to collapse when questioned by Lafayette Police.

“During the course of the investigation, the female complainant admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males,” the department said in a news release, The Adviser, a USA Today affiliated newspaper, reported Thursday.

Kareem Attia, president of the Muslim Student Association at UL-Lafayette, told The Washington Post earlier in the week that the alleged attack was “hitting home” for Muslim students.

“No one wants this to happen, and it’s hitting home for us,” Mr. Attia said Thursday. “The idea that a person in your community could be targeted just for wearing a headscarf, which is part of our religion, it’s disgusting. It’s very un-American.”

Charlie Bier, a spokesman for the university, told The Associated Press Thursday night that he could not address possible disciplinary measures for the student due to federal privacy laws.



  1. She should be charged with false report to the police

  2. Won't happen because she is Muslim!

  3. Lock her up. Just another liberal lie like all the others. What does Obama have to say about all this NOTHING!

  4. Muslims should not be excluded from obeying our laws. If any law conflicts with their beliefs, then they cannot rightly be an American citizen. If a law is broken, then justice must be served in some form of punishment. The last time I looked filing a false report to police is against the law. If she was a Christian, she would be behind bars right now.

    1. Congressman ellison a MUSLIM being primed for the DNC how can. There be a muslim congressman ?

  5. deport her! just one more crime associated with these pos!

  6. Democrat. There isn't a democrat alive that isn't a pathological liar. Nasty filthy nothings who prove time and time again that they serve no useful purpose to society.

  7. Kick that Muslim out of this country, and any other Muslims that don't want to be a responsible citizen of this country.

  8. False flags are bought and sold every day.


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