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Saturday, November 05, 2016

On Many Political Lessons That Need to Be Learned

The 2016 election gives us a great deal to think about. Random thoughts on the passing scene: 

There seem to be fewer bumper stickers this year than in previous presidential-election years. People may decide to vote for one of these candidates, but apparently they are not proud of their choice.

It is astonishing that some people think that the answer to the problems of Obamacare is to go to a “single-payer” system. But “single payer” is just another way of saying “government monopoly.” Does anyone pay attention to how government monopolies operate — from the local DMV to Veterans Administration hospitals? 

Politics has turned the lofty ideal of equality into the ugly reality of resentments of other people’s achievements — and a feeling that the world owes you something, while you owe nobody anything, not even common decency.

Why should the fate of the economy depend on the guesswork of the Federal Reserve — and the guesswork of the stock market about what the Federal Reserve will guess? Politicians have learned to call their spending of the taxpayers’ money “investment,” even when it is just pouring money down a bottomless pit, in order to win votes from the recipients.


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