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Friday, November 25, 2016

Obama’s Outgoing Secretary Of Education Calls For ‘Safe Spaces’ On ALL College Campuses

President Barack Obama’s secretary of education, John B. King Jr., has officially released a Dear Colleague letter mandating a “commitment to diversity” at America’s colleges and universities and calling for taxpayer-funded campuses to create “safe spaces” where students, professors and administrators can talk about “race and discrimination.”

King, who will almost certainly lose his job in 58 days, released the letter on Friday along with an 89-page report focused on diversity.

“Institutions can proactively support student success and college completion by” establishing “venues for safe and open dialogue on issues of race and discrimination among students, faculty, staff, and leadership of different backgrounds,” the outgoing education secretary instructs college administrators.

College officials should also train “students, faculty, staff” on “how to support diverse student populations and address the implicit biases we all carry with us,” the education secretary says.



  1. The rainbow and unicorn says it all.

  2. Can I get a copy of this? I no longer get the newspaper and need something to start the wood stove and the BBQ grill.

  3. A safe space is segregation and I'm all for it.

  4. Kindergarten maybe, but college kids. Come on!

  5. This is more liberal B.S. for censorship. I am so sick of these people.

  6. This too will pass....just hopeful its sooner rather than later. Too many snowflakes and they need to toughen up in OUR world!!!!!

  7. As long as my tax dollars do not support these BABIES

  8. Prison is a safe space they can all go there.

  9. You eventually have to come out of that safe space and rejoin the scary world. Will you be ready? Or will you just go from safe space to safe space to safe space?

  10. Just stay in your mothers basement it's as safe as it gets.

  11. Are white males who are discriminated against eligible? Affirmative action is one of the most discriminatory practices ever created.


  12. Out of a profound concern for the special snowflakes a modest suggestion: 'Safe spaces' should only have an entrance; an exit would defeat the purpose. Surely a society as wealthy as ours could keep them supplied with crayons, Play-Doh and homeless kittens indefinitely; I bet the Clinton Foundation would be happy to chip in with funding.


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