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Friday, November 04, 2016

Obama talks about himself 207 times in 84 minutes - while campaigning for Hillary

Even while campaigning for somebody else, Barack Obama can’t help but talk about himself.

During two appearances for Hillary Clinton on Thursday, the president referred to himself a total of 207 times — 110 in Miami and 97 in Jacksonville, Florida.

“Now, I have to say that I’ve been going to some college campuses and I realize that eight years ago some of you were ten,” Obama said during roughly 43-minute speech at Florida International University.

He then went on to defend his own record on the economy, energy and Obamacare.

“Can I just say I was driving through North Carolina yesterday and we passed by a gas station … and I noticed gas at $1.99.”

“Thanks, Obama,” he said, echoing someone in the audience.

During the Miami speech, he mentioned himself 30 times before talking about Hillary Clinton.

Here’s Obama’s speech in Miami:



  1. Obama says that the very successful businessman and billion Donald Trump is not qualified to be President.
    So how does a pot smoking un American community organized named Obama qualify?

  2. The only one less qualified than Obama is "lyin' Hillary"!!! LOCK HER UP!!!!

  3. He is and always has been an egomaniac so what's new, so is his minion wife. One thing for certain at this point his reign is over in January, he can then entertain Al Sharpton all he wants.

  4. He is so full of himself.

  5. Gas was back down to a $1.89 a gallon at the time he took office. Inclined to almost $4 a gallon during his administration.

  6. Funny thing here is that when gas is $4.50/ gallon they claim that the President has no control of gas prices. When it is $1.99 He takes the credit.
    What a piece of Cr$p we have of a leader.

  7. @1:35 let us remember that he has no control over the insurance premiums

  8. Look I'm just saying we can't talk negatively about Obama mentioning himself when our candidate plasters his name all over anything he can haha

  9. He said that Trump is a party of the billionaires and celebrities, yet who is the one getting free concerts to support her? Movie stars and singers who, are billionaires.

  10. Obama legacy. The worst president in the history of the US.

  11. He's in love with himself

  12. Obama is a messenger of Satan.


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