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Saturday, November 05, 2016

'Not for this channel': Podesta was wary of sending intel over Clinton server

John Podesta was willing to discuss sensitive information with future boss Hillary Clinton while he worked for President Obama and she was a private citizen in August 2014 – but he knew better than to send the intel over Clinton’s private server from his Gmail account, emails released Thursday by WikiLeaks show.

In the exchange, Clinton, who had resigned as secretary of state 18 months earlier, asked then-Obama counselor Podesta if he knew who was responsible for an Aug. 18 airstrike in Tripoli, in which unidentified bombers blew up an Islamist-controlled arms depot in the Libyan capital.

“Yes and interesting but not for this channel,” Podesta replied in the Aug. 19, 2014 message to Clinton’s hrod17@clintonemail.com account.



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