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Monday, November 14, 2016

New York Post: Chelsea Clinton Being Groomed for Congress

Emily Smith reports in the New York Post that the “Clinton political dynasty” isn’t “dead” yet. Daughter Chelsea Clinton is reportedly “being groomed” to run for the Congressional seat currently occupied by 79-year-old career politician Rep. Nita Lowey, whose 17th Congressional District happens to include Bill and Hillary Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, New York.

From the New York Post:

In August, Hillary and Bill Clinton purchased a home next door to their primary residence in Chappaqua for $1.16 million, which is intended for Chelsea, her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, and their two children, Charlotte and Aidan.

While Chelsea currently lives, and is registered to vote, in Manhattan, she could easily make Chappaqua her legal residence in order to run for Lowey’s seat when it becomes vacant.



  1. She wants to follow in her dad's footsteps.
    How very proud she must be of her father and his deeds in the White House.

  2. Bring it on fAt lips.i guess mommy will watch the kids while you get trounced.

  3. The Clintons are like a disease. They won't go away and keep making you sick.

  4. Can these people ever just leave the American public in prace??????????

  5. Whose kid is she anyway?
    She doesn't look like either one of them - not in the least.
    She's not built at all like her mom...
    Not casting aspersions here, but knowing Bill's background, it make you wonder...

  6. Don't think she'll run for public office, at least not until the identity of her biological father, Webb Hubbell, is accepted. Will have to wait for billy and hilly to pass on before she makes the announcement.

  7. has she applied yet for those building permits from her "new neighbors" in carpetbagger land?

  8. She needs to be groomed period. Her personal hygiene is severely lacking. She needs to bathe regularly and wash her hair regularly. Her teeth are discolored and look as if a toothbrush and toothpaste are as foreign to her as the truth.

  9. She has no qualifications. She's never worked (really), never gotten involved in local or regional issues, and hasn't a leg to stand on when it comes to family history.

  10. Maybe they should skip a generation and concentrate on one of her kids being a politician. Of course, they'd not be using the Clinton name, which might be a plus in the end.

  11. There may be an opening for Dog Catcher in DC for her....


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