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Saturday, November 12, 2016

‘Nationwide shut down’ planned for Inauguration Day

Socialists join with Muslims to protest Trump presidency

A self-avowed Marxist member of the Seattle City Council who is part of the George Soros-funded Occupy Wall Street movement has called for a “massive protest” against President-elect Donald Trump and a “nationwide shut down” on Inauguration Day.

Kshama Sawant went on an anti-Trump rant following the election that stirred up progressives’ emotions against Trump voters, calling them part of “a racist agenda.”

Sawant held a press conference calling for a mass protest in Seattle. That protest was attended by students, members of Seattle’s LGBTQ community, as well as Occupy members and Muslims.

One woman took the podium in a hijab and unleashed a profanity-laced tirade.

“I am told, ‘do not wear the hijab or you will be targeted.’ I say F— you!” she screamed into a megaphone.

Watch video of Muslim immigrant telling Americans “F— you!”



  1. I'll be celebrating and the fascists cannot stop that...LOL

    1. Donald Trump is OUR president. More then likely one of his kids will get it next. Trumps are in the White House for the next 4 terms. If they do a good job then probably longer. Thanks for voting for him and let's make America great again.

  2. Can't shut down my celebration!

  3. I say we all need to never support any Muslim owned businesses. Goodby Ocean City!

  4. They can't shut down my celebration!

  5. Does matter what these losers do the electoral map will not change. Things will work out once Trump gets moving and these dead beats have to get jobs. They will not have time to cause problems.

  6. Continuing to demonstrate that he is not a leader, the current president has done nothing and said nothing to try to stop the protestors/sore losers. He may be a lame duck but he is still in power and he's not doing his job by staying silent on the protests/riots/lawlessness. Its his responsibility to try to calm people down. Hillary should also make a statement condemning the violence. Neither will do the right thing, never have, never will. And that's why they lost.

  7. 9:24
    I should suggest that Mr. Trump represents Facism, and Ms. Clinton represents Communism.

    Facism is the merger of corporate and state interests.

  8. Take the whole damn year off as far as i'm concerned , it won't affect me none . If we don't drive our rigs you SOBs will starve !

  9. 12:48...its ok, lots of folks (young and old) are going to be educated and enlightened over the next several TRUMP years!

  10. They will only prove the amount of waste there is in government and hurt the average person with a loss of wages. They will not care because they are a bunch of free loaders they need to be cut off from receiving any type of tax dollars for any purpose, welfare checks, free housing / food / medical etc., free college / college grants / loans. Then we will see how bad they feel the need to protest / riot.


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