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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Missed It By That Much


  1. Considering that she just transferred almost $2B to a foreign bank, I expect we'll hear about her leaving the country the day after Trump wins... I'm guessing that she has selected a country without an extradition treaty with the US so she can't be dragged back here for prosecution and subsequent relocation to Martha Stewart's former Department of Corrections hosted residence!

    I'll break out the good Scotch at her losing the election and have a second wee-bit when she leaves the country!

    The investigations will hopefully continue to focus on the Willy, Hilly, and Chilly foundation and the spawn of the HildaBeast may end up holding the bag...screwed by her own mother!

  2. You people are delusional to think anyone is going to prosecute her... Especially with her track record of people investigating her ending up dead!!!!!!!

  3. 7:50 praying everyday you are correct sir!


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