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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Memo: Meetings With Bill Clinton Cost $100,000

A Clinton Foundation memo released by WikiLeaks on Friday suggests that one-on-one meetings with Bill Clinton cost participants upwards of $100,000.

The Dec. 7, 2012 memo is included in a batch of documents prepared in advance for a Clinton Foundation board meeting held several days later in New York City.

It shows that Joe Kiani, the founder of medical device maker Masimo, and Alex Karp, the CEO of software company Palantir Technologies, paid $140,000 and $100,000, respectively, for a “Meeting with WJC.”

WJC is William Jefferson Clinton. Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state when the memo was written.



  1. I wonder what the medical device maker and the software co. needed from the State Dept. No one was paying for Bill's speeches and these meetings because they cared what he had to say. They needed special treatment or a favor from the State Department is why they paid.

  2. There is nothing about him or any of the Clinton's worth a dime much less this kind of money. Only fools waste their money.


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