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Monday, November 14, 2016

Liberals Shatter The Dream


  1. I sometimes wonder what he would say if he were alive today and watching what is going on.

  2. He was also Republican.

  3. It is a shame that there is not a black leader like him today.

  4. Amen Joe this is how you do it. If you seek change in America and want credibility you do not burn and loot. You do not condone violence against the police or any official elected or not.

  5. 60s era blacks did some violent things. Look at Rap brown and Malcolm X.

  6. His handlers changed the world.
    He read the words that were written for him.
    Nothing more.

    Come on folks, the world is being controlled by a very tiny cabal of elite bankers. The intelligence agencies work for the bankers.

    King's job was to convince the down trodden not to actually fight.
    He did his job.
    Let's agree to leave it at that.

  7. This was a black man you could be proud of a real roll model to the black youths better than sports millionaires, a real person, his actions and words matched. We need more like him today.

  8. He also got our Govt IN HIS POCKET so he got the
    "Reverse Discrimination Laws" called Affirmative Action
    (against the whites and the rest) passed

    This went Past "Equality for all" and should NOT be Legal
    and should be thrown out.......

    Also Forced Busing should not be legal and be thrown out
    Also the NAACP is a Racist Black organization (equivalent
    to the Black Klan) and should Not be allowed ......


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