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Monday, November 14, 2016

Liberal Media Turns On Itself As NYT Promises To "Rededicate" Itself To "Honest" Reporting

In a letter from its owner and executive editor, the New York Times, a biased media outlet which together with the rest of the liberal press misreported on the presidential race - whether due to conflicts of interest or due to sheer stupidity - from day one, leading to such idiotic forecasts as an 86% probability for Hillary to win as recently as one week ago (contrast with our own prediction):

... Arthur Sulzberger, the owner and publisher of the NYT, promised that the paper would “reflect” on its coverage of this year’s election, as it "rededicates" itself to reporting on “America and the world” honestly.
To be sure, that would be a vast change from the NYT's existing coverage of events, even though despite the tacit admission of its failure to account for Trump's "stunning" victory, in the same letter Sulzberger also writes that "we believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential campaign."


  1. BOYCOTT these propagandist, boycott ALL the lying media! Insist to everyone you know...boycott their sponsors as well!!! we must send the message liars will not be tolerated!!!!

  2. And we believe you. Because you never lie, and you're always right!


  3. Better yet gust go away. Report on how you are the problem with with America lie,lies and more lies. You are nothin more then lap dogs for a liberal agenda.

  4. This is a joke, right?

  5. Yea right
    Never trust

  6. They will never change. Their pants should be on fire.

  7. BULLsh@t..they imersed themselves with liberal know nothings..now they want to be honest..Ha..these people won't get rid of thier agendas that easy. Honest reporting from NYT, Wash post ect..stopped in the 1950s and we will never see it again!

  8. It makes me wonder how many other stories in the NYT are ridiculously skewed to the liberal slant, passing them off as God's honest truth.

  9. It's hard to tell what's real news and what's not, what with the NDAA allowing the government to propagandize the American public. Funny how the protesters couldn't be bothered to stir when all that was going on during the Obama administration.

  10. The media's hair is on fire because of Steve Bannon supposedly being anti-Semitic. Trump's daughter married a Jewish man who is now one of his closest advisors. Ivanka converted to Judaism. Three of his grandchildren are Jewish. His other son married a Jewish woman. Does anyone truly believe that he would have an anti Semite as a top advisor? This is the media stirring the pot once again.

  11. I hope their subscriptions drop by 500,000 a month. Like a thief or a cheat, once you get caught lying, it's a long time before you get invited over for dinner again.
    They don't have a mea culpa that really carries any weight. And I think, behind closed doors, they are freaking out....

  12. horse manure. Until the next time...
    Seeing is believing.


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