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Monday, November 07, 2016

Janet Reno Dies, First Woman To Serve As U.S. Attorney General

MIAMI (AP) — Janet Reno, the first woman to serve as U.S. attorney general and the epicenter of several political storms during the Clinton administration, has died. She was 78.

Reno died early Monday from complications of Parkinson’s disease, her goddaughter Gabrielle D’Alemberte said. D’Alemberte said Reno spent her final days at home in Miami surrounded by family and friends.

Reno, a former Miami prosecutor who famously told reporters “I don’t do spin,” served nearly eight years as attorney general under President Bill Clinton, the longest stint in a century.

One of the administration’s most recognizable and polarizing figures, Reno faced criticism early in her tenure for the deadly raid on the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas, where sect leader David Koresh and some 80 followers perished.



  1. A quote from a CNN article in 1999: "Reno has long been under fire from GOP lawmakers for her refusal to have an independent counsel investigate charges the Chinese funneled illegal contributions to Clinton's 1996 presidential campaign." This corruption has been going on a long time involving the Clintons.

    1. Look at how the DNC was telling wolf blitzer what to say .

  2. Probably another death linked to the Clinton's.

  3. She gets to feel the pain for the rest of eternity that those kids in Waco did when she ordered the mass murder of the Branch Davidians.

  4. Dems will put her in the hearse and take her to the polls..She will be voting for Hillary tomorrow from the grave..im sure.

  5. She had helped investigate the new Clinton emails, and recommended an indictment for Hitler-y

    Nuff said.....

  6. Not her fault Crazy Koresh killed his followers.

  7. Thank you lord for taking her home.
    She had overstayed her welcome here in time.


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