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Monday, November 07, 2016

Hillary threat: ‘Avalanche’ of property-rights losses

Wealth adviser reveals stakes under $15 minimum wage, future Supreme Court nominees

The past eight years have witnessed an “avalanche” of government encroachment on the personal property rights of Americans, and a Hillary Clinton presidency would be even worse, according to financial expert and radio host Gary Rathbun.

He says the first thing voters need to understand is how property rights pertain to a lot more than just physical property.

“Personal property rights are somewhat misunderstood because we naturally think of real property like real estate and land and your home, but private property rights encompass everything about you: your right to work, your thoughts, your right to speech, everything you own, everything you can produce,” said Rathbun, an Ohio-based personal wealth adviser and host of “An Economy of One” on the Radio America network.

Rathbun told WND and Radio America the term “personal property rights” is not often addressed in political campaigns, but many of the underlying issues are.

“It’s easier talking about the peripheral aspects: the right to bear arms, wetlands, zoning, eminent domain, minimum wage, free speech. All of those funnel right down to private property rights,” Rathbun explained.



  1. The first steps of communism , she will be a disaster for our lives and our children's lives, the effects will be felt for generations. Vote Trump!

  2. We have taken several steps toward communism


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